Downloadable templates are available for printing or digital editing.
We have also provided pre-filled examples – for you to take inspiration from.
For each main Step or related Task – we provided a short Guidance and the expected Outcome, as well as the list of useful Tools and a proposed Setting. This should help simplify an effective completion of the Task at hand.
Plan well in advance for each session!! This is a lengthy process that requires a dedicated block of undistracted time for each session. We do provide an estimated time-frame for each task/step.
The process is also not rigid – You may go back and forth to different steps and tasks to change or panel-beat your ideas and plans.
Step 0: ‘Self-brainstorming’ session/s to familiarise yourself with the templates and to work through the ‘Purpose & Team’ tasks on your own – first.
Step 1: Brainstorming session/s with your Core Team – to work through the templates of the tasks done in Step 0 to confirm/change and finalise your plan moving forward.
You can also use a third-party’s software for notes (e.g., using mind maps, task/planner apps) or to simplify teamwork and documents’ sharing (e.g., Teams, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.).
You can always rely on us – in the CaReMe Global Alliance – to help you along this journey; sharing our knowledge and providing as much support as we can. So, please do contact us.
The Setting for Step 0 will be mainly a “self-brainstorming” and Step 1 will be working together with the Core Team.
A list of expected outcomes for each task and/or step
Straightforward advice that gives you a ‘sense of direction’ through each step.
Practical tips that, in our experience, could help simplify and speed up that specific task.
Where you can find downloadable templates, resources and much more…
Provides you with an estimated time for each task or step