The CaReMe transformation journey begins with an initial “homework” at your desk (Step 0) and working with you Core Team later, (Step 1) defining:
Although we generally follow a sequential step-by-step approach, the reality is that the thought process will be more “circular”; with the need to go back and forth across the different steps and tasks, to integrate new information and insights from different members of the team, as well as identifying opportunities, assess the actual feasibility, and ensure consistency across the overall plans.
Dedicate enough time (probably a few hours every time) where you (and, later on, together with your core team) can concentrate without other distractions. This is not an exercise that can be done while answering to other calls. Also, be mindful that it may, easily, take a few weeks or so to get ready and to engage your broader team –so be prepared for this.
The Setting for Step 0 will be mainly a “self-brainstorming” and Step 1 will be working together with the Core Team.